Thursday, April 13, 2017

Free Tshirt from mixpanel.

Hey, Now I am going to show you how to get a free T shirt from mixpanel is a business analytics service which tracks user interactions with websites. You do not need to know about those things. They give free T shirts to anyone who send data to them.

First of all you need to go to and create a account with valid information. 

If you go now and fill the information you will see a message like this. 


(You do not want to do this, I just said). Because you did not send them the data yet. So this is the tricky part, you can easily send some data to the mixpanel by method below.

1.First click on your name in upper right corner of the mixpanel website. then go to Account >> Projects >> copy the Token there.

2. Go to the link here, enter the token and click on "click me" button about 10 times. (You should disable the adblock if you have it)

3.Then go to and fill the form with correct information and request your T shirt. You will receive a message like this.

Today is 2017/04/13 and this service is working till now. !